Interaction Flow Modeling Language RFP issued atthe OMG meeting in Santa Clara, CA

After 9 months of participation to the OMG meetings, intensive interactions with stakeholders, and interesting feedback from big vendors and users (including IBM, Microsoft, Thales, NoMagic, SoftTeam, and others), OMG issued the official request for proposal (RFP) for IFML (Interaction Flow Modeling Language), a domain-specific modeling language for describing model-driven specification of user nteraction.

The RFP has been proposed for issuance by the ADTF(Analysis and Design Task Force), and then approved by the AB (Architecture Board).

WebRatio Cubes at the Golden Gate bridge,  San Francisco, CA.

The technical requirements of the RFP can be found directly on the RFP document, which is publicly available on OMG servers at the url:

If you are an OMG memberyou can see the updated status of the process on the OMG servers. If you want to join our submission effort (either as an author or as a supporter), feel free to

contact me and we will see how to merge your contribution. we are already scheduling a regular reporting on the status of the submission at all the upcoming OMG meetings and we will host

a private workshop at every meeting for the submitters. We are already in touch with several interested parties, but we are more than happy to enlarge the partnership!


To know more about this event, you can visit my detailed post here.

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